Nintendo UK has fully detailed the season pass content for the upcoming Hyrule Warriors Legends on both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. The season pass is called the Legends of Hyrule Pack and while the Nintendo 3DS version will be available for purchase next Thursday, the Wii U version won’t be available until this summer.
For those who want the season pass available on both platforms, you’ll need to purchase the special 3DS/Wii U version.
Here’s a quick overview of everything that will be available on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.
Wii U Season Pass
Link’s Awakening Pack – Summer
- A new playable character
- A new weapon for Linkle
Phantom Hourglass & Spirit Tracks Pack – Autumn
- A new playable character
- A new weapon for Toon Link
A Link Between Worlds Pack – Winter
- Two new playable characters
Nintendo 3DS Season Pass
Master Wind Waker Pack – Late Spring
- 16 new My Fairy costume pieces
- The “Master” Wind Waker map for Adventure Mode with one new adventure battle scenario
Link’s Awakening – Summer
- 16 new My Fairy costume pieces
- A new map for Adventure Mode with two new challenge battle scenarios
- A new playable character
- A new weapon for Linkle
Phantom Hourglass & Sprit Tracks – Autumn
- 15 new My Fairy costume pieces
- A new map for Adventure Mode with one new adventure battle and two new challenge battle scenarios
- A new playable character
- A new weapon for Toon Link
A Link Between Worlds – Winter
- 15 new My Fairy Costumes
- A new map for Adventure Mode with one new adventure battle and two new challenge battle scenarios
- Two new playable characters