Nintendo will offer Pokemon Bank app for 3DS on Dec. 27 for $4.99 a year

pokemon xy

Pokemon Bank is a Nintendo 3DS app that will allow players to transfer and store Pokemon online. The app will be available on December 27th in the Nintendo 3DS eShop. It allows Pokemon X & Y owners to store up to 3,000 Pokemon and comes with the Poke Transporter app, which allows players to permanently import Pokemon from Pokemon Black/White and Pokemon Black/White 2 into Pokemon X & Y.

The interesting thing here is that Nintendo will charge an annual fee of $4.99 to use Pokemon Bank, stating that the subscription cost will go toward maintenance of the servers for the service. For those who download and open Pokemon Bank by Januarry 31st, 2014, you’ll get 30 days free.

Pokemon X & Y will be released worldwide on October 12th.