All of Nintendo’s forthcoming mobile apps will be free-to-play


Nintendo and DeNA made waves earlier this year by announcing a partnership that would bring Nintendo’s IPs into the mobile space. With the first of these apps announced and subsequently delayed, many gamers have wondered what Nintendo has up its sleeve for the next few apps.

A reporter for The Wall Street Journal was on hand at a DeNA press conference this week and shared that the upcoming apps planned to be released between now and March 2017 will all be free-to-play. One of the important notes from the briefing is that monetization of the apps will be based around user expectation and gameplay, which seems to hint that Nintendo is taking extra care to make their in-app purchases feel fair instead of predatory, as some mobile games are.



Miitomo won’t be launching until March 2016, so it’ll be a few months still before we see what sort of monetization Nintendo plans on utilizing with its upcoming apps. This is the most information we’ve gotten out of either company about their upcoming partnership and yet we still have no information on the game’s actual content.

Are you still interested in seeing what Nintendo does in the mobile space next year?