Nintendo updating Miitomo with email option for friend requests


Nintendo has been hard at work on improving the experience of Miitomo for both those who use the app and those who don’t. A new way to invite your friends who you aren’t connected to through social media will be added, so you can invite them via email address.

Additionally, Nintendo is making it so that you can answer the same question when you’re viewing the “All Answers” page, which should result in more people answering those questions among your friends.

Finally, you’ll be able to edit your Miifotos before posting them as a comment on your profile, so you no longer have to get the perfect screenshot.

No information was released about when the update will be live, but this will probably increase Miitomo’s user base given how reluctant some people are to use any social media platform as a way to sign up for a mobile service.

[via reddit]
