Nintendo doesn’t want hardcore gamers to feel left out with Wii U

Hardcore gamers on the Wii U are getting a lot more attention from Nintendo. Last time with the Wii, it was all about (or mostly about) getting the casual folks into gaming. As a result, Nintendo managed to attract a whole new audience and expand the gaming market. But the downside was that hardcore gamers flocked to the other consoles, finding few games on the Wii that appealed to them.

Wii U pro controllersNintendo is looking to change that with the Wii U. The console is powerful enough to attract gamers who care a lot about graphics, it has unique features such as the controller, and most importantly: third party publishers are on board. Titles like Assassin’s Creed 3, Darksiders 2, Batman Arkham City, and Call of Duty Black Ops 2 will surely appeal to a wide variety of core gamers. But for Nintendo, there’s yet another way to attract core gamers.

Nintendo hardware designer Katsuya Eguchi says that adding the new Wii U Pro controller will make it easier for multiplatform games to come to the Wii U. He believes this is especially important when it comes to multiplayer games. Eguchi says,

“To make it as easy as possible to enjoy certain multiplayer experiences it was important to have that Pro controller. We’re all gamers as well and we appreciate the interest of those hardcore gamers. We don’t want them to feel left out, so we’re making big strides and changes in that area.”

While the Wii U GamePad controller has obvious advantages, it’s easy to assume that some developers would still prefer a more conventional approach. Analyst Michael Pachter recently said that he believes Activision basically forced Nintendo to offer a standard controller for third party games. Activision has said that they prefer the Pro controller for Call of Duty Black Ops 2 instead of the GamePad. It’s easy to understand that some gamers would prefer the Pro controller as well, especially when it comes to fast paced multiplayer shooters.

Via My Nintendo News