Nintendo won’t be making Call of Duty-like games

First person shooterWhile Nintendo is determined to bring Call of Duty and other hardcore titles to the Wii U, the company isn’t interested in developing such titles themselves. Speaking to The Independent, Nintendo el Presidente Satoru Iwata said that the strength of Nintendo lies in creating games where people can play in the same room together. Despite the rise of online gaming over the past years, the company seems to be sticking to “offline multiplayer” quite a lot. Its upcoming Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros U both offer offline multiplayer only.

But that doesn’t mean Nintendo isn’t interested in online gaming. “We also have titles like Mario Kart that are heavily reliant on online and support online multiplayer. But you shouldn’t be expecting Call of Duty-like games to be offered from Nintendo”, said Iwata. He added that these types of games — Call of Duty-like titles with heavy focus on online multiplayer — are done by third parties who can do those kinds of games “very well”. He said Nintendo has no intentions of trying to compete with them on that front. Instead, they would like to invite the likes of Activision to bring their franchises to the Wii U.

That’s not to say that Nintendo isn’t doing first person shooters — the company made the critically acclaimed Metroid Prime series, and is reportedly working on a Metroid game for the Wii U.

Via MyNintendoNews