Japanese publication CoroCoro has been leaked onto the web and in it, several new details about Pokemon X & Y have surfaced. The game will be available in October, but of these details are new. Here they are:
- There are now “Mega Pokemon”, which are forms it seems, which the revealed Mewtwo Form is part of. Blaziken, Absol, Lucario, Ampharos, and Mawile (Steel/Fairy) have them. MBlaziken has Speed Boost, MLucario has Adaptability, MMawile has Huge Power. MAbsol has Magic Bounce. MAmpharos is Electric/Dragon and has Mold Breaker.
- Mawile is also re-typed Steel/Fairy (which was part of WPM’s rumors)
- Gogoat’s Pre-Evolution is Meekuru.
- Electric/Fairy called Dedenne. Antennae Pokemon. Knows Pick-Up or Cheek Pouches.
- Normal Rabbit named Horubii. Digging Pokemon. Knows Pick-Up or Cheek Pouches.
- New Waifu Material, Koruni. Blonde chick with Rollerblades and skull helmet, Gym Leader who holds the key to Mega Evolutions.
- Torchic being distributed with Mega Stone allowing it to become Mega Blaziken, October 12-January 15th via WiFi
What do you think of these new developments?