New Miiverse update for the web version brings new features


Nintendo has been listening to your suggestions over the past few months in terms of making Miiverse better. A new update for Miiverse went live today, improving how you can interact with the service when not using it on your Wii U. While there’s still no dedicated apps for iPhone, Android, or Windows Phone as of yet, these usability improvements make it so you can search for groups and you can now see posts from verified users on the web version. MiiverseMarty has a full list of changes:

1) We’ve added two new features to the web version of Miiverse to bring it in line with the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions. The first is the “Posts from Verified Users” icon at the top of the Communities screen, which you can select to display only posts by verified users. The second is the community search function, which lets you search for communities by software title.

2) This affects all versions of Miiverse: You can no longer post several comments in quick succession on somebody else’s post. From now on, after posting a comment on someone else’s post, you will have to wait around 3 minutes before you can comment again on the same post. This doesn’t apply to your own posts, where you can comment as frequently as you like.

This update also seems to cut down on users spamming other people’s comments, as there’s now a cooldown timer inbetween posting on someone else’s comment. That’s nice for people who were complaining about getting spammed in popular communities and it’s especially nice that the change doesn’t apply to the original poster, who may be replying to everyone who says something to them.

What do you think of the new changes?