Mutant Mudds developer says Wii U version sold more than other platforms combined


In a world where people shout from the highest rooftops that the Wii U is dead and Nintendo should give up on it, an interesting tidbit from Jools Watsham, creator of Mutant Mudds Deluxe has shown that it’s not entirely true. Watsham has just finished the release of his game on multiple platforms, including Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Steam, PS3 and PS Vita. According to Watsham, the most successful version of the game is Nintendo 3DS, but the Wii U version is more successful than all the other versions combined. Apparently Nintendo fans really like his game!

While the developer hasn’t given any concrete details as to how many sales have occurred on each platform, the game has been available on Steam since November of last year and on the two Sony consoles since December. The Wii U version was released in June, meaning it’s had nearly a six month head start in order to rack up sales.