NT Live: Watch us punch goons in Mr. Shifty! [over]

It’s time to get shifty! As part of our first “NT Live” live stream, we’re bringing you one (1) whole hour of Mr. Shifty gameplay before the game’s launch on the Nintendo Switch eShop this Thursday!

For the uninitiated, Mr. Shifty is what would happen if you took Hotline Miami, injected it with more humor, toned down the blood, and added a heavy dose of teleporting powers. In short, it’s awesome and we’ve had a pretty difficult time tearing our hands away from it so far.

Level-to-level gameplay involves killing guards in each room until you’re able to get to the next elevator. Eventually, you’ll get to the end of the level, but not before teleporting your way between a hailstorm of enemy bullet fire and flying fists. After the stream, we’ll have a 1080p archive for you to enjoy.

Mr. Shifty is out this Thursday as a Nintendo Switch eShop title for only $14.99.