Motorola takes a chance on Android phones

In the mobile battle between Microsoft and Google, Motorola appears to have thrown in their lot with Google Android.

Motorola, whose mobile devices sales were down a whopping 45% in Q2, has a lot riding on this. They´ve been working hard on a new line of mobile phones that use the Google Android mobile platform and they´re expected to launch at least two Android based phones by the end of this year.

Motorola’s co-CEO and head of the company’s mobile device unit Sanjay Jha confirmed that the company is betting heavily on Android: Motorola is on track to go the whole hog with all kinds of Android-based devices that should “get us back in the game in smartphones”.
Jha stated: “The majority of our new devices will be smartphones, as we expand Android across a broader set of price points.”

Probably because he didn´t want to antagonise Microsoft, he did add that Windows Mobile is still a very important part of their enterprise mobility business, whereas the new Android phones would be targeted at the consumer segment of the global market.

Jha was also quick to point out that new Android-based smartphones are on track for the holidays, so you can start making your list for Santa!