More third party Wii U games to be announced

Wii U gamesBy now we know that there are a lot of Wii U games in development at third party publishers that weren’t unveiled at E3. There are a variety of reasons why more Wii U games weren’t showcased, mainly because E3 is so huge and it’s easy to get lost in all the game announcements. Another reason is that some publications have secured exclusive rights to unveil a game. For example, Nintendo Gamer unveiled that Black Ops 2 is coming to the Wii U, and EA has said they’ll reveal at least two new EA Wii U titles later this Summer.

Nintendo UK’s David Yarnton knows all about this, and recently said, “A lot of third-party companies are developing for Wii U and a lot of it has not been announced”. He added that Nintendo can’t comment on speculation regarding third party Wii U games. Two weeks ago at E3, over 23 Wii U games were showcased, including big third party support from Ubisoft with ZombiU and Rayman Legends, and from Warner Bros with Batman Arkhman City and LEGO City Undercover.

In the interview, Yarnton also touches up on the Wii U’s online capabilities, saying that more features will be revealed in the future, and that the company still hasn’t set a Wii U price.

What third party title and/or franchise would you love to see on the Wii U? Let us know in the comments section!