Capcom says Monster Hunter on Wii U is a smash hit


Capcom recently released their fiscal performance report, detailing which titles have done well for the publisher. Within it, Capcom stated that the biggest surprise for them was the sales of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Wii U and that it’s the latest title to join their “smash hits”. The interesting thing is that Capcom notes most sales didn’t come from physical purchases, but rather digital downloads of the titles.

Furthermore, “Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) G HD Ver.”, which was our first title for the new home video console “Wii U” that was launched in December 2012, also became a smash hit. However, its package sales were generally soft.

While Capcom reported a 17.6% decline in profitability as a whole, this is great news for Wii U owners as it means Monster Hunter 4 will likely get more attention.

[via Capcom]