New Miiverse update brings linebreaks and featured genres


A new update for Miiverse has gone live today, showing that Nintendo is continuing to make improvements to the service and listening to consumer feedback. The biggest change for this update is that line breaks are now a thing that can be used in posts. Previously if you tried to implement a line break in your post by hitting enter and starting on a new line, Miiverse would regard it as a space and jumble everything together.

These line breaks only show up inside the actual post and not the preview, so previews will still be jumbled. There’s also a limit on the number of line breaks you can use, so if you attempt to post too many Miiverse will return an error and you’ll have to reduce the number of line breaks within your post in order to try and post again.

The other new feature is the ability to select three of your favorite game genres to showcase on your profile. This option only shows up on the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions of Miiverse. The web version of Miiverse currently isn’t supported just yet.

What do you think of this update?