With the high demand for amiibo since their release in November, the fact that some retailers have amiibo exclusives means those amiibo are harder to find than ever. Meta Knight was Best Buy’s exclusive and it seems like the figure was sold out immediately the day the wave hit store shelves. According to one of the mods for the amiibo sub-reddit, they have reasonable information from a Best Buy corporate employee that Best Buy will be receiving more Meta Knight stock this summer.
I’m marking this as a rumor purely because there is no concrete proof, but the mod who made the thread mentions that this source in the past has been 100% accurate for the information they’ve supplied. Here’s what the mod said:
A second Best Buy employee, this time at the Corporate level, has revealed to the mod team that Best Buy is actually planning a summer restock with no firm date yet established.
Though they were unable to safely provide proof without tying this back to them, this is a source who the mod team has worked with in the past and has had a perfect track record in their information.
While we’re marking this as a rumor purely because no proof was supplied, we trust the mods when they say their source has never been wrong. Expect more Meta Knight figures on Best Buy shelves sometime this summer. We’ll post when we have more information.