Mass Effect 3 Wii U screenshots

EA just wrapper up their Summer Showcase and announced that Mass Effect 3, Madden NFL 13, and FIFA 13 will be Wii U launch titles. The Mass Effect 3 Wii U version will include the extended cut ending, and it will also feature an interactive, comic book-style back story that lets gamers in on what happened in the previous two Mass Effect games. Not only that, the interactive story will allow players to make decisions that affect their game in Mass Effect 3, just like players of the previous two games did.

Mass Effect 3 Wii U

EA also released the first Mass Effect 3 Wii U screenshots, showing the game in action for the first time. You’l find the screenshots below, including a shot that shows the GamePad tablet controller in use. Mass Effect 3 will launch with the Wii U later this Fall.