Lego City Undercover requires 13 GB free space

Now might be a good time to get a micro SD card for your Nintendo Switch. With LEGO City Undercover dropping soon, we’ve got a few pictures of the game’s box art.

As far as box arts go, it’s pretty run of the mill, except for that “internet required” part at the bottom. You’ll need an internet connection because the game has a mandatory, 13 GB install, regardless if you have the physical or digital version.

This makes the first Nintendo Switch game to feature a mandatory install. We could see more developers adopt this stance in the future if they feel as though the Switch’s cart size is a problem. Seeing as how the Switch only has 25.9 GB out of the box, micro-SD cards are looking like a “now” purchase, rather than “later.”


LEGO City Undercover – $59.88

[via NeoGAF]