More images of leaked NX controller appear showing free-form screen


New images of the leaked NX controller have surfaced on Reddit, lending more weight to the rumors that it will have an oval design with a free-form controller. These leaked images are the clearest we’ve seen yet, with a label of “confidential property” on one side of the controller.


Along with the two pictures leaked on reddit, poster Perkele37 had this to say about the controller:

  • Only the upper ‘nubs’ of the sticks move. The bottom part is static (kind of like the circle pad, but it moves along the bottom ‘sphere’.
  • The rollers on the top feel and look pretty much identical to a mouse scroll-wheel. Though I do don’t believe this will be the final design.[sic]
  • Haptic feedback is feels like Apples ‘taptic’ engine.[sic] Not like regular rumble.
  • 3.5mm headphone jack on the bottom