Layar: augmented reality browser for Android & iPhone

This must be the coolest app EVER. Haven´t tried it yet, but if it works as they say, I really have to get it! The reality browsers coolness is basically that you can point your camera at something and you get instant up to date info about your surroundings!

That includes houses that are for sale, restaurant reviews, bars, shops, even Tweets on your surroundings. How cool is that?I´m thinking this will be THE app to take with you on holiday! No need for a guide, just point at stuff. Will it tell you history and background as well? Well, it get its info from Wikipedia and Yelp as well. I´ll just have to get this & I´ll let you know.

For now, the app is only available for Android, but Layar´ll soon be coming to the Apple store as well.
Until I get it, here´s a rather weird Japanes fan video. I think it´s about a sad guy who´s lost and then there´s this guy in a very agressively blue tracksuit… Well, see for yourself.