Iwata announces new business strategy for Nintendo

Nintendo’s corporate briefing earlier today has had several interesting tidbits concerning the company’s new strategy for business. One of the key points outlined by Iwata at this briefing is the fact that a new business direction for Nintendo could be focusing on Quality of Life, or QOL for their customers, attempting to engage them in a healthier lifestyle. Iwata emphasized that Nintendo’s core business of video games will not change, but that the new business plan will develop non-wearable technology to create a blue ocean strategy.


Here is Iwata’s statement on the new business plan:

“We wish to achieve an integrated hardware-software platform business that, instead of providing mobile or wearable features, will be characterized by a new area of what we like to call “non-wearable” technology When we use ‘health’ as the keyword, some may inevitably think about ‘Wii Fit.’ However, we are considering themes that we have not incorporated to games for our existing platforms. Including the hardware that will enable such an idea, we will aim to establish a blue ocean.”

Iwata continues by stating that what requires effort to improve often makes people give up after a few days after they’ve lost focus. He says that Nintendo plans on using their background as an entertainment company in order to create engaging experiences that people will want to integrate into their daily lives.

Nintendo will unveil more information about this new QOL direction later in 2014, such as addressing the specific direction the company plans to take with the strategy in the future. What do you think of this news?