Hyper Light Drifter Kickstarter adds Wii U stretch goal

Hyper Light Drifter, an indie 2D Action RPG, has recently added a Wii U stretch goal to its Kickstarter campaign.

The game has caught the attention of many people in the gaming world since blowing past its initial goal of $27,000 a few weeks ago. The Kickstarter currently sits at a little over $478,000, with four days remaining to hit the Wii U stretch goal of $550,00.

The developers of Hyper Light Drifter say the game is inspired by classic 8-bit and 16-bit games, but coupled with modernized controls and designs.  The game’s bright pixelated art style immediately catches your eye upon seeing it in action. As far as gameplay, it seems to take a lot from dungeon crawling and exploration games, like Diablo and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

What do you guys think of this pixelated indie game? Is it something you’d be interested in playing if it comes to Wii U?