Happy Thanksgiving from Wii U Daily!


We here at Wii U Daily are off celebrating Thanksgiving with our families and we want to extend the well wishes to our readers. Without you, we wouldn’t be much of anything. For those of you who stick around in the comments section and let us know your thoughts on the news, opinions and reviews as we report them, thank you! I may not always respond to comments, but I read most of them. You’re appreciated and with your help, Wii U Daily has grown into one of the biggest sites to discuss the Wii U on the internet.

We’re also thankful for all of the wonderful developers at Nintendo, who create quality experiences for us to enjoy. There’s nothing quite like playing a Nintendo game for the first time, since they seem to be one of the few developers left who makes sure to create a quality product upon release. Thanks for being awesome, Nintendo!

Even if you’re not from the United States and you’re not celebrating Thanksgiving today, take a minute to tell someone you appreciate that you’re thankful for them. They’ll appreciate that gesture even more.

Happy Thanksgiving!