Security firm working with Watch Dogs devs to ensure believable hacking


If you haven’t watched any of the trailers or promotional materials surrounding Ubisoft’s upcoming game Watch Dogs, the best word to describe it is hacking. You can hack everything. There are videos of the player hacking ATMS, Subways, and even street lights to cause a wreck to make get away easier. The whole premise of the game is that everything in the city is controlled by a central operating system, or CentOS.

It looks like Ubisoft is taking extra steps to make sure the hacking within the game is believable, as they’re working with Kaspersky Lab to ensure that correct terminology and situations are used. Dominic Guay, senior producer for the game, says he wants to make sure everything the player can do in the game is possible to do in real-life, if a city were inter-connected like this.

“We’re working with Kaspersky Lab, a big security firm. They have really hardcore experts there on hacking. We send them some of our designs and we ask them feedback on it, and it’s interesting to see what gets back.”

Guay states that he hopes through this partnership, the view of “Hollywood hacking” that many scoff or turn up their nose will be reduced in Watch Dogs.

[via Gamasutra]