Google vs Facebook: another search engine fight

I guess the odds of Google being the sole search engine to rule the world are looking slimmer and slimmer now that, in an unexpected turn of events, Facebook has entered the fray!

Facebook, the most popular social network on the planet with over 250 million users, seems to be gunning for Google´s spot on the search engine market. Facebook launched their real time search engine and acquired Friend feed on the same day. Facebook said of its new search that it will crawl the last 30 days of news feed activity, status updates, photos, links, videos and notes from your friends’ Facebook profiles and all the pages of which you are a fan.

By turning itself into a real-time search engine, which means they update everybody´s input all the time, so you can search through what Facebook users are saying, the social networking site could steal some serious market share and potential advertising dollars from Twitter AND Google.

Google is hitting back by presenting their plans for a Google search overhaul. Twitter so far hasn´t hit back, but I´m guessing they´ll cook up something as well.