Google voice: going too far?

Google Voice

With the launch of Chrome OS and talk of the all-in-one telephone application Google Voice most of all our lives may soon be completely ruled by Google. Time to put on the breaks?

We all know power corrupts. If you look back on history then the disastrous results of yielding too much power to one guy are obvious, think Mao, Hitler, Lenin, Franco and the list goes on and on. So should we really put all our eggs in one Google shaped basket? Or are we setting up the first worldwide dictator?

I already earn a chunk of my income through Adsense and whenever Google has an algorithm change, or privacy update or PMS, I shudder. So say we all switch to Chrome OS, and use Google docs, and this new phone thing, I would be completely dependant on this one entity.
And what’s more: who’s to say what Google will do with all this info?
So maybe I’ll split the risk: use Firefox to browse and Mac OS. Just to be safe.