Google IO closed with an amazing list of announcements for Chrome. The platform is evolving into quite a powerful browser, but we must remember that Chrome is not only significant for Chrome OS and desktop users. The Chrome for mobile is also starting to impress us, and though we didn’t see much about it at IO, Google still has some nice tricks up its sleeve.
The Search Giant will be hosting two special events – on this week and another next week. These will be hosted in the Google Developers YouTube channel, so it will be aimed towards the dev community. The first event will be held on June 7th at 1 PM eastern, and it will go in depth about the ins and outs of Roll It. The second one will be held during June 13th at 11 AM eastern and will follow the same topic, but now focusing on Racer.
Both of these games were demoed at Google IO. They demonstrate the power and capabilities behind Chrome as a mobile browser. It is not just a tool that can be used for viewing websites, web apps can do much more, like video games. Granted, these video games are a joke compared to console games, but Google is simply demonstrating the tip of the iceberg. As developers start taking more advantage of Chrome’s potential and the platform evolves further, we will see better content being released.
If you are interested in learning more about Roll it and Racer, you can tune in for these special events with us. They are embedded right below, so mark the dates in your calendars. See you then!