Google: Apple Chrome notebook is on its way!

Google CEO Eric Schmidt
Google CEO Eric Schmidt

Google CEO Schmidt announced that he expects an Apple announcement about a notebook running Chrome OS no later than this year.

It’s an interesting announcement, especially coming from Schmidt, the Google CEO who sat on the Apple board for a while, causing all kinds of rumors, and resigned, again amidst much speculation, earlier this summer. So why would Google be announcing an Apple notebook? Don’t they have their own people to do that?

No need to get too excited, as it’s only an announcement and we’ve seen announcements and retractions before now that times are hard in the economy. Schmidt has an optimistic view of the economy, he thinks the worst is over:“I think the new normal is now,” the Google CEO said at a briefing with reporters, at the Allen & Co media and technology conference in Sun Valley, Idaho.

So is this another attempt at the big Kill Microsoft Plan that many suspect makes Google and Apple such staunch allies? Schmidt didn’t want to get into that:
“I don’t want to talk about Microsoft,” he said, and went on to say that Google did not have any particular goals for Chrome to take market share in the PC business. “We actually don’t look at market share at all,” said Schmidt.

Sure you don’t, honey. That’s why you’re the CEO of one of the biggest companies on the planet.