Why is Google making an Android laptop?

android-logo-peekingRumors of an Android laptop in the works have started circulating the internet just a week before Google IO. Yes, you read that right, an Android laptop. Like you, I was scratching my head when I first read this. Why would Google make an Android laptop?

Google already has a desktop platform – Chrome OS. Plus, Android is not really optimized to work as a computer replacement. We would understand if they were trying to do an Android tablet with a keyboard (which has been done), but the rumor doesn’t seem to hint at something like that.

Granted, we don’t have many details, but I simply can’t get the idea of it across my head. Google just released the Chromebook Pixel, which is pretty much the Nexus of Chromebooks. Why take away from it and try to move Android into the computer space?

If this happens to be true, we will have to wait and see what it’s like before making a final judgement. We will have to wait and see if we see something at Google IO. It just seems odd, though, don’t you think?

[Apple Insider]