Ganondorf is a playable character in Hyrule Warriors

Last night’s Hyrule Warriors presentation contained lots of new information, including the fact that Ganondorf will be a playable character alongside other previously announced characters, like Ghirahim, Zant, Impa and more. Additionally, the chain chomp was shown off as a new weapon to be used against your enemies.

As for the costume options for the newly announced Ganondorf, there will be a few. Those who register their copy of the game by October 23 on Club Nintendo will unlock a new costume set. Other costume sets for the character were announced, but they’re pre-order bonuses from individual retailers instead of being something you can unlock.

If you missed the presentation last night, you can catch everything that was shown off in the video above. We’re compiling a huge list of everything we know about Hyrule Warriors so far, so be sure and check back later today to see that mega post.