Earthlock: Festival of Magic Kickstarter only has 48 hours left, needs $7k


The Earthlock: Festival of Magic Kickstarter is within its last hours and is on the edge of being funded, but the team at Snowcastle Games still need your help. With only two days remaining and $7k left to go in funding, a final extra push from the backers is needed to get the game over its funding goal. If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not you want to back this project, your pledge could help the game reach the final goal.

We’ve previously covered the game extensively here on Wii U Daily and we even talked to one of the developers, Fredrik Tyskerud. The game is a unique blend of modern game design and the traditional JRPG, which features a unique crafting system for ammo. The combat follows traditional turn-based combat and plenty of strategy will be needed in order for the player to win. Check out the video above and if you like what you see, consider helping the developers get it made!