Festival of Magic Kickstarter relaunching February 20, 2014


The Kickstarter campaign for Festival of Magic, a JRPG that tightly combines combat, farming, and character progression, has been temporarily canceled. Snowcastle Games explained on their Kickstarter page why the project has been put on hold.

With a PS4 Launch, an Xbox One Launch, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas Shopping, we launched the KS at a really bad time and given the time constraint we had we did not get to prepare the campaign as well as we wanted to.

The pros for cancelling now outweigh the cons in our eyes. We have recently acquired a small financial injection which will keep us going until the relaunch in February. We want to use the time in between now and the relaunch to continue with development, as well as to prepare for the new kickstarter campaign.

Snowcastle Games will revamp their reward and update structure, all while continuing development of the game for the next two months. Backers may keep their current reward tiers, but anyone wanting to provide funding for the game will have to wait until the Kickstarter relaunch on February 20, 2014. It’s unfortunate to hear this about Festival of Magic, as the game was shaping up to be a compelling Japanese-inspired RPG.

Do you plan on backing Festival of Magic when it relaunches? If you previously backed it, are you keeping your current reward tier? Let us know in the comments below!