SnowCastle Games provides early look at Festival of Magic alpha

PAX Prime was just a few weeks ago and SnowCastle Games were in attendance to show off Festival of Magic, a title that will be coming to Wii U in addition to PC. The game takes traditional Japanese RPG standards and brings a Western twist to both the story and art design. This is one of my most anticipated Nintendo eShop releases in the coming months, so if you weren’t able to attend PAX Prime to see this demo in full, you can check it out above.

Currently there’s no solid release date for Festival of Magic on the Wii U, but the team is shooting for a Q4 2014 release date. As we reported yesterday this studio has approached Nintendo in order to influence a number of additions to the Wii U eShop, hopefully including the ability to offer beta tests to fans and episodic content, which the eShop is not currently set up to provide.