Fast Racing Neo website updated with new look and screenshots


Wii U owners have been waiting quite a while now for Shin’en’s Fast Racing Neo, a futurustic racing game that has been in development since shortly after the Wii U launched. Shin’en has often been quite verbal about praising the Wii U’s strengths, especially when other developers were very vocal that the Wii U is underpowered. Despite that, very little information about Fast Racing Neo has been shown to date.

Finally the game’s website got an overhaul, along with a selection of screenshots from the game that showcase how it looks. According to the website, Shin’en was able to achieve 720p resolution at 60fps for the game, so if buttery smooth racing is what you’re after it seems like Fast Racing Neo will fit the bill. Fast Racing Neo is scheduled to launch later this year, but be sure and check out the new screenshots below.