Precursor Games willing to re-release Eternal Darkness for the Wii U


Last week we reported that Precursor Games had started their crowd-funding campaign for Shadow of the Eternals, the spiritual successor to Gamecube’s Eternal Darkness.

Well, mere days ago, a response to a query on Precursor’s Facebook page planted hope that Eternal Darkness might be re-released for Wii U.The dialogue read:

Q. Is there any chance that while in talks with Nintendo you can bring up a possible rerelease of the GameCube’s Eternal Darkeness as a Virtual Console release? It would allow hype to build on the game and allow people who had not played before to get into the series!

A. We will definitely discuss that. Thanks for the suggestion!

This comment from Precursor seems positive considering that they have yet to reach their desired goal of $1.5 Million for Shadow of the Eternals. With 24 days remaining, they have received just over $144,000, less than 10% of their goal.

Don’t get your hopes up just yet, though. Since Precursor certainly wouldn’t want to displease fans with an outright ‘no’ before any concrete decision on the matter has been made, their response to the query wasn’t surprising. What it does mean, however, is that there is hope for a remake. Be it a simple port or an HD revamp, Eternal Darkness certainly deserves the recognition. Only time will tell.

Another great game for Wii U, or just another port? Tell us in the comments!

[via precursorgames]