Emily Rogers says Ubisoft isn’t discussing Wii U Watch Dogs [RUMOR]


Noted rumor leaker Emily Rogers has been in contact with Ubisoft about the Wii U version of Watch Dogs and the results aren’t very good. Last week rumors leaked across the Internet that the Wii U version of the game was cancelled, but GameStop stated this was due to a glitch in their system for pre-orders. Emily Rogers paints a different story though, saying Ubisoft themselves refuse to discuss the version for the Wii U.

Of course this is tagged a rumor as it’s hearsay from someone not involved with the company, but it should be noted that Ms. Rogers has been right about several things such as unified accounts and update times for both Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

The truth with finally come out with Ubisoft’s financial results, I suppose. What do you think? Is Ubisoft abandoning the Wii U or are people jumping to conclusions here?