And the award for the dumbest anti Wii U statement goes to…

We’ve seen a lot of Nintendo and Wii U haters over the past year, some aren’t sold yet on the Wii U, some are cautions, and others are just plain trolling. But Slash Gear writer Don Reisinger takes it to a new level. Back in June, Reisinger claimed the Wii U was “in deep trouble”. That was just trolling. Now Reisinger elevates his status from troll to professional shit slinger.

In his article, titled “Why you shouldn’t pre-order a Wii U yet”, he claims you shouldn’t pre-order the console because the games cost $60.

“Nintendo customers have been conditioned to pay less for games for the last two generations. Now they’re paying the same as Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 customers for graphics that really don’t seem all that much better than what we’ve seen to this point? That’s a problem if I’ve ever seen one.”

Reisinger Wii UHe goes on, complaining how the new Super Mario game will cost $60, despite not featuring state of the art graphics. Since when did we start paying for graphics and not gameplay? In Resinger’s world, apparently, only games with great graphics, and nothing else, deserve to be priced at $60. He’s effectively judging the graphics on a console that isn’t even out yet — we don’t even know the full specs yet.

The stupidity keeps on going: Reisinger says that charging gamers $300 for a new system without offering better visuals isn’t “reassuring to gamers”, when most of the games are ports from Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. He never touches up on the fact that Wii U isn’t meant to compete on graphics — every fool knows that by now — but on gameplay and innovation.

Wii U is a more powerful system than the current gen consoles and will offer better visuals on several third party titles (like Batman Arkham City and Assassin’s Creed 3). And yet, charging the same price for the Wii U games while offering better visuals apparently isn’t good enough for Reisinger.

Reisinger’s own theory doesn’t make sense. And yet, this writer troll writes for Slash Gear, CNET, LA Times (so he claims). He’s known for writing articles and headlines to get hits and traffic. Here are some of his latest headlines:

Does Anyone Really Care About A Bigger 3DS?
The Wii U Is In Deep, Deep Trouble
Why Nintendo Should Sell (And Why Sony Should Buy It)
Why Nintendo Won’t Determine Gaming’s Future

This guy isn’t a writer, he hurls shit at the wall and sees what sticks. And it looks like it’s working — his current “article” is spreading around the web like a wild fire.

In an effort to curb this wildfire, we won’t link to the source on purpose.