Did Iwata wear this year’s platinum Club Nintendo prize?

For those of you who followed our Nintendo Direct coverage last week, you know that Iwata has declared this year to be the year of Luigi. The Nintendo Direct presentation opened up with Iwata wearing the iconic green hat, but perhaps that hat was more than just a prop to get us ready for the many Luigi games being released this year.

In 2009, the platinum reward for Club Nintendo members who achieved more than 600 coins in the given period was a plush Mario hat. It was a nice way for Nintendo to congratulate its most dedicated fans, by giving them the thing that is perhaps more iconic than the Nintendo logo itself.

Platinum rewards in the years to pass haven’t been that great, with posters and pins mostly making up the roster. This year, Nintendo could rectify that by offering up platinum members Luigi’s hat to complete the set for the Year of Luigi. What do you think? Would this be a reward you’re happy with? Let us know in the comments.