Developer: Wii U graphics are “on par with PS3, maybe better”

It seems that we can’t go a few days without hearing about the Wii U specs and hardware. The latest bit of news comes from Sonic & All Stars Racing developer Sumo Digital. Speaking to Eurogamer, the British developer revealed that it believes the Wii U’s graphical power is on part with the PlayStation 3, “or maybe even better”. This is quite an odd statement, since we’ve heard from other developers that the Wii U graphics are much more advanced than the current generation consoles. At this point, it appears that it all comes down to the talent of the developer and how much performance they can manage to squeeze out of a particular system.

Sonic racing Wii U
Sumo Digital also confirmed that the Wii U version of Sonic & All Stars Racing will support Mii characters in-game. The Wii U GamePad tablet screen will be used as a rear-view mirror, or alternately, for Remote Play. The Remote Play feature on the Wii U allows the game to be played on the tablet controller alone. Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed will be out on the Wii U this Fall. It’s a Mario Kart-like arcade racing game that’ll support both cars, boats, and even planes. Check out the first trailer of the game.

Via Eurogamer