Counterfeit microSD card melts inside someone’s Nintendo Switch [UPDATE]

[Update: The original poster of the tweet has tweeted again to say that he purchased this card from Amazon and that it passes a well-known check for whether or not the card is counterfeit. See the tweet below and the rest of the story as follows.]

Ouch, this is something I never expected to see in covering the Nintendo Switch daily. Someone just tweeted a bunch of pics of a melted microSD card and said putting it inside the Switch is what caused it. The pictures show the back of the card seems to be melted and the dude’s fingerprint is left in the plastic.

It’s worth noting that it’s quite possible this could be a counterfeit microSD card, since we don’t know where the person bought this card from. This is not a Nintendo Switch problem and is 100% a microSD problem. SanDisk has reached out to this person on Twitter to try and rectify the issue, but more than anything I bet this is a counterfeit.

I’ve seen several of you mention you bought your cards super cheap on eBay, it’s likely those cards are counterfeit. Check out my microSD recommendation article to see why that’s an issue and why you probably shouldn’t be buying your microSD cards from a third-party site like eBay.

I have a 128GB Samsung EVO in my Nintendo Switch and it has performed just fine.

SanDisk 128GB microSD – $40.99
Samsung 128GB microSD – $51.60