Competition for Chrome OS?

Even before the launch of Chrome OS, Internet giant Google has found itsself quite a few rivals. The latest: semYOU, hailed by its developers as “the first semantic Internet operating system”.

I’m not sure what is semantic about this, then again I haven’t tried it yet, so maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. What we do know: semYOU is a tiny, German operation with Big Plans. They have built a new WebOS that offers a different way to utilize software and make all important functions available “on demand” at the click of a mouse.

While Google plans to sell the applications for Chrome OS in a web store, semYOU supplies its users with the most important and popular functions for free. You can use semYOU, to make your Office documents and manage calendar, download music, Tweet, facebook, google, etc and all this with one single login for all your social networks, like XING, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Existing data, documents and e-mails can be imported via drag-and-drop.

Sounds great, but, of course, it all depends on whether anyone will actually want to use this stuff. So far, it sounds like something nerds will lovee and average Joe on the web will shun. SEMyou currently employs all of two people, so whether it will go on to take away the lead from Google is highly unlikely. Anyway, the official Beta Phase for the first semantic WebOS starts on August 4, 2010. For more information about semYOU, visit: