Clean Up the Web with Evernote’s Clearly

Both Read It Later and Instapaper are popular services that offer both mobile and browser support for cleaning up a web page and making it available to read later, but Evernote has taken it one step further by allowing you to customize how a cleaned up page will appear in Chrome using their Clearly extension.

The extension pulls some features directly from its competitors, but it offers desktop users something all its own by allowing you to view multi-threaded pages seamlessly. Don’t like clicking through 30 pages to see a list of top ten apps? Clearly has you covered. You can also link the Clearly extension with your Evernote account to quickly clip and sync your articles across all of your devices.

The biggest feature of Clearly is that it allows you to customize how the news will appear once it has been cleaned, meaning you can edit the background, the size of the headers and text, and whether or not you want to show images.

Read It Later is my personal favorite for viewing articles without a lot of clutter, but the developer has not created an official extension for Chrome yet. Instead, third party extensions are available that range from decent to terrible. For that reason alone, Read It Later and Instapaper may have something to fear from Clearly, since Evernote clearly understands what the minimalist crowd wants.

You can download Clearly from the Chrome Webstore by clicking here.