Chrome Web Store Now Available in 41 Countries; Google Only Takes 5% on a Single App Sale

Google has just announced that the Chrome Web Store is now available in 41 countries. It’s a great milestone that should attract more developers as they’re now able to target more users than was previously imaginable. It’s one piece of many that Google is using to help bolster their web apps store. Just a few minutes ago, they mentioned that developers saw users spending twice as much time in their web apps than on the actual website.

And more than they’re spending more time, they’re spending more money – 2.5 times more. Google’s banking on web apps, HTML5 and more browser innovations to help them add more users and attract more developers and this certainly is a great step forward.

In related news, they’ve just announced that developers will walk away with 95% of their revenue on Chrome App Store sales. This is in contrast to mobile ecosystems or competing ecosystems where 20%-30% tends to be the norm. Judging from the reaction here at the Google I/O keynote, this was on top of a lot of developers’ wish list.