Chrome OS app store?

google chrome app store
google chrome app store

Apps are an enormous growth market and a great way to make a buck or two. So now Google is ready to get into the game with its App Marketplace for Cloud based apps!

Google has just announced the launch of its app shop. The shop will target Google’s massive user base of 25.000.000 people, most of whom already use quite a few free Google Apps. Over 50 companies have partnered with Google by launching their enterprise applications at Google App Marketplace.

This opens a whole new world of possible profits for third party developers, as the app store only charges a $100 to join and then takes 20% of the sale of any app. Yep, that’s a lot better than adsense! 20% is still a lot of money, but it means you could make a whole lot of money. No wonder then that developers are falling over themselves to join up. Another clever move by Google.

The fact that it’s a cloud based app store is another nice move, as with the launch of Chrome OS Google would have a ready made app store and can really start kicking some Apple (app store) butt.