Google announces Chrome Apps For Your Desktop – offline full apps for Chrome


Chrome apps have been working great for the online user, but Chrome and Chrome OS can only get so far without offline support. Today Google is taking Chrome Apps to the next level by introducing Chrome Apps “For Your Desktop”.

These are applications will work like traditional software on your desktop computer. They are much fuller than your usual Chrome Apps and work just like a regular program would. You can work offline and enjoy something closer to the full-featured experience computer programs have.

chrome-app-launcherChrome Apps for your desktop can work offline, go full-screen (avoiding distractions), they have direct access from your desktop, cloud access, notifications and more. In a way, these are more similar to smartphone apps, but adapted to the computer screen.

I see this being especially promising for Chromebook users. The biggest complain about Chrome OS is that it lacks offline features. More “fuller” apps becoming available offline will definitely help the case. I believe we are now one step closer to truly competing with Windows, Mac and Linux.

Windows and Chromebook users can now take advantage of these. Simply go to the Chrome Web Store and access the “For your Desktop” section. Mac and Linux users will have to wait a bit, but it should be worth it. We don’t have many apps yet, but they should be coming soon. Go check them out, and let the offline party begin!
