Amazon is selling a bunch of Amiibos for $4 apiece

cheap amiibo

Are you in the market for some cheap Amiibos? Well today is your lucky day: mega-online-retailer-and-soon-to-conquer-the-world Amazon has lots of cheap Amiibos — most of them are just 4 bucks!

The cheap Amiibos include Rover, Kapp’n, Blathers, Tom Nook, Mr.Resetti, Lucas, and more.

Here’s the complete list of the Amiibos and their price.

  • Rover: $4.14 (link)
  • Kapp’n: $4.26 (link)
  • Blathers: $4.82 (link)
  • Tom Nook: $4.90 (link)
  • Lucas: $5.49 (link)
  • Kicks: $5.78 (link)
  • Celeste: $6.45 (link)