Capcom’s new game Remember Me was considered for the Wii U

Remember Me Wii UCapcom has yet to reveal a single Wii U game, but the publisher is reportedly working on a few games that they’ll unveil soon. The latest Wii U news from Capcom is that its newly unveiled game, Remember Me, was at one point considered for the Wii U. Remember Me was unveiled at GamesCom, and is a sci-fi action game, with a blend of Mass Effect and Deus Ex. It centers around a woman who got her memory deleted and goes on a quest to find out what happened. Speaking about a potential Wii U version, Capcom producer Christian Svensson answered questions on the official forums, saying:

“As for Wii U, this project was started many years ago, long before Wii U was even a twinkle in Nintendo’s eye. We explored the idea of adding a SKU, but in the name of keeping the team focused and not adding dev tasks for the team to get up to speed on new hardware and time to the schedule, we’ve opted to keep it on the original platforms for which it was planned.”

Remember Me is developed by a Dontnod Entertainment, a new, Paris-based developer who has been working on the title for years. The game is scheduled for release in May 2013 on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. For more on Remember Me, check out the first trailer of the game below:

Via Capcom