Capcom confirms Resident Evil 6 won’t be ported to Wii U

Resident Evil fans who own the Wii U have one less thing to look forward to, as Capcom has confirmed it has no intention to port the series to the console. The statement released by Capcom’s Christian Svensson on the company’s forums states:

“With regard to WiiU, in general we’re looking forward, not back so late ports are generally not on the table.”

Not only does this rule out Resident Evil 6 for Wii U players, but also Dragon’s Dogma, DmC: Devil May Cry and Street Fighter X Tekken. It’s always a sad state of affairs when a company refuses to bring some of their most popular titles to a console, but given Capcom’s recent troubles with keeping up interest in their games there’s little wonder why the company wants to focus on new products instead of rehashing old ones for a new console. Are any Wii U fans disappointed with Capcom’s decision regarding Resident Evil 6?

[via DigitalSpy]