Capcom answers the question, ‘Just how big is Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate?’

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate screenshot


So just how big is the world of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate? Turns out it’s pretty damned big, according to Capcom. The Monster Hunter series has gotten some flak from some people for being a rehash of games previously released on different systems, but Capcom has done enough to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate to make it stand out in the crowd. Two new rare species are in the game, including fan-favorite Plesioth and the brand new Brachydios.

Not to mention, the cross platform play between 3DS and Wii U adds a new dimension for how the game can be played. So what are those stats that make Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate more than just a port of Monster Hunter Tri? Check it out:

There are 339 new quests not counting free DLC quests and 2042 pieces of new equipment in the game, with each category of weapon having over 50+ new incarnations. That brings the total number of weapons in the game up to 1398. There are also 1028 new armor pieces, bringing the grand total up to 1663.

There are also three new areas for monster hunters to explore, including The Tower, Misty Peaks and the Tainted Sea. It seems Capcom has done a great job turning Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate into its own game instead of it being the port that everyone is claiming. What are your thoughts on the new content? Are you excited to get that new gear? Let us know below.

[via Capcom Unity]