Bioware says final Mass Effect 3 DLC not headed to Wii U



Mass Effect 3 was a launch title for the Wii U and it included all DLC released by Bioware before that. That seemed like a good indication that both Bioware and Electronic Arts planned on supporting their product, but sadly that’s not the case.  The Omega Pack, Citadel and Reckoning DLCs will not be heading to Wii U. The Omega Pack has already been released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC gamers, while the previous two have yet to be released.

Speaking to IGN, a Bioware representative stated that “there are no plans to bring Citadel or Reckoning to the Wii U at this time”. This is disappointing for consumers who supported Bioware and EA by purchasing their product on a Nintendo console. How do you feel about the lack of DLC? Let us know in the comments below.