Yesterday, many of you responded to news that Bayonetta 2 was struggling to maintain a 60 frames per second framerate with the declaration that it doesn’t matter — the game still looks good, looks fun and looks awesome. If Famitsu is anything to go by (and they usually are) then those declarations were vindicated.
The renowned Japanese publication reviewed Bayonetta 2 ahead of its Japan launch this Saturday, and ended up giving it a very nice score of 38/40. If you’re not aware, Famitsu tasks four different reviewers with scoring the game, each awarding it a score out of 10. Add up all the scores and that’s what the final score boils down to: two reviewers gave it a pair of tens, while the other two gave it a pair of nines.
Not sure about you guys, but that sounds like a game worth its skin and worth the money you’ll have to pay in order to get it once it launches. Bayonetta 2 is out starting October 24th in Europe and North America, and should be headed down under the day that follows.